Monday, February 20, 2012

Shameless scam?

In response to Harry's blog entry of 17th February 2012, we feel the need to respond.

We too are most dis-statisfied  at the sisting of the case and would very much like to see a more conclusive end to the entire affair. By that, we mean that we would expect to see a verdict one way or another regardless of whether or not any compensation would be available to the losing party. We feel that this is the only way that a line can be drawn under the whole sorry business. So, in that respect, we would agree with Harry's blog.

Notwithstanding the above, all the bluster about trust deeds should be dismissed. We firmly believe that this should have no bearing what so ever on any outcome. Whether it has been hidden from the membership or not also has no bearing on the matter at hand. We have no  interest in any other creditors. All we want is for the truth to emerge and the only way we can see this happening is for the Sheriff to be allowed to deliver a decision of guilty or not guilty.

We are also interested in the 2 court cases instigated by Harry and his cohorts against Danny Goodwin and Sean Donnelly. This has all gone remarkably quiet. Has Harry realised the error of his ways in either or both of these accusations, or are the cases still to be processed through the courts?

Over to you Harry.


  1. There is nothing to be served by sisting this case and we will continue to expose the truth about both sides on here until such times as a ruling is determined in a court of law.

    Having said all that it's great to see the Quisling Quack crying foul because the Trust are using one of the options available to them under law.Not a million miles away from the sleekit attempt by Dr Potless and his pals to use the protection of the trust deed and bankruptcy laws as a ruse to try and outsmart the Trust committee. Nae point greeting into your daily bottle of cheap whisky noo youve been hoisted by yir own petard.The Aussie arsehole must be spitting feathers.

  2. To rubbish the trust deed issue is just wrong. The law prevents the GMST from pursuing an action against Gallacher once the fact that he is in a Protected Trust Deed is known.

    If Mr Gallacher had told his trustee about the trust claim against him, they would known about it via his trust and the court action would never have proceeded. That it did and that Gallacher's funders have apparently lost £12k+ is entirely down to Jim Gallacher not making a full and fair disclosure to his trustee.

    If there is scam around the trust deed issue, the above is it. When were GMST intended to find out about it? Was it a wee insurance policy against losing the case? Whatever, know everything Newall looks (and is) stupid either way. If he knew about the trust deed from the outset, his wee scam failed. If he didn't know, the pillar of honesty that is Jim Gallacher did not exactly play fair with his mentor did he?

    1. The first paragraph has to be a crock of shit. By that logic. Anyone who wants to get away with this kind of thing only has to get themselves a trust deed because the law precludes taking them to court?

    2. Signing up to a protected trust deed is for people who can't pay their debts. Its a form of bankruptcy. Once the trust deed is protected the law says a creditor can't pursue the debt by any means, including through court, and they are stuck with whatever pence in the £ the trust deed pays out at the end.

      What Jim owes the trust is just another debt in the eyes of the law. Their only recourse is to lodge a claim with the trustee which I understand has been done.

      So no, its no crock of shit, its how the law is.

    3. Soooooperb. I'll get me one of these trust deeds then and go on the rampage.

    4. You need to go on the rampage first. A TD only deals with debts that exist at the date you sign it. Oh and there are plenty of people who do just what you suggest.

  3. "That it did and that Gallacher's funders have apparently lost £12k+ is entirely down to Jim Gallacher not making a full and fair disclosure to his trustee".
    "If he didn't know, the pillar of honesty that is Jim Gallacher did not exactly play fair with his mentor did he"

    Don't tell me your insinuating that Gallacher lied to his Trustee and Ernie. Fuck me there's a surprise!!!!!!!!!! Gallacher, Ernie and McGregor deserve each other and its poetic justice that they have to swallow £12+ in expenses. I just love the irony.

  4. "To rubbish the trust deed issue is just wrong. The law prevents the GMST from pursuing an action against Gallacher once the fact that he is in a Protected Trust Deed is known"

    This seems to have been lost on some people. GMST can't pursue Gallacher through the courts.......FULL STOP.

  5. "We are also interested in the 2 court cases instigated by Harry and his cohorts against Danny Goodwin and Sean Donnelly. This has all gone remarkably quiet. Has Harry realised the error of his ways in either or both of these accusations, or are the cases still to be processed through the courts"

    Harry boy knew from day one he was on to plums and that's why the case against Danny Goodwin was dropped and the one against Sean Donnelly has probably timed out.

    I would say that implies that neither told a lie when they said Gallacher stole money.

  6. There is only one "Shameless Scam" going on and that's the one perpetrated by Gallacher against the Trust,Harry and McGregor. He lied to them all.

    Took them all for a ride, at least the Trust have the balls to admit it. 'arry boy is choking on his £12k+ bill and continues to spout out his rubbish to deflect from the fact that he's been had and made to look like an idiot.

    So much for the great Dr Newall, taken for a ride by a wee fat baldy guy. How that must hurt?

    1. "So much for the great Dr Newall, taken for a ride by a wee fat baldy guy. How that must hurt?"

      Especially when he was at pains to tell Jim that he was his intellectual superior!

    2. "Especially when he was at pains to tell Jim that he was his intellectual superior"

      Ha ha ha ha I'd forgotten that bit, poor 'arry for a millisecond I nearly felt sorry for him and McGregor. What a riddy, no wonder he hides his face at Cappielow. You would have thought by now Dr Newall (excuse me while I snigger) would have decided it was time to move on before he loses all his credibility or is that already down the pan and he has nothing to lose but his dignity or maybe that's gone to?

  7. Simiano Taken For A CuntusMarch 1, 2012 at 1:21 PM

    Seems like Potless Harry has landed a role in the remake of A Few Good Men. He clearly couldn't handle the truth. Silence is golden, and every other day that passes his daft fucking blog shows him up for the fool that he is. Outwitted, out thought and out manoeuvred. That's just got to hurt. He's left with nae money, a middle name, and his new fashion accessory of tight blue t-shirt with red face. Done up like a kipper. Magic. Never mind, he has his daily walk for his daily bottle to dry his eyes.

  8. Well, would you believe it. A bigfall-out between Ernie and Jim Willowman. Were you finally forced to face the truth Ernie - you seem somewhat 'deflated' re the Wee Tit Willow. Surely he hasn't screwed you over as well ??? All that money down the drain.
    He can't have too many friends left. Lies, lies and more lies.
    If you're that miffed off Ernie why don't you just publish the 'Stars' accounts for everyone to see ?
    Go on, get your own back - you know it makes sense.

  9. TheTaverner's Tale;
    The tale is an exemplum on avarice. (Exempla are stories that illustrate a theme in preaching, usually found in collections.) The setting is dramatic this time, taking place in a tavern to set the innate hypocrisy here (470). Although avarice is the focus, the Pardoner includes drunkenness, gluttony, swearing, gambling, and maybe other sins; his choices probably depend on which sins "can be made to sound most exciting" (Donaldson 1093). The Pardoner has a detailed knowledge of low life. He does not euphemize sin: it's truly nasty here. He seems to have control over the sequencing of the other sins he incorporates too. But is he talking about gluttony? Or something else?

  10. It appears that an even bigger scam is just about to be uncovered between the Trust Chairman and the Trustee of the Trust Deed. Shameless indeed.

  11. Never mind that - what about Harry's bankruptcy HO HO HO!

  12. His bankruptcy has no bearing on the court case, why would it?

    1. Do you think the court will listen to the bankrupt jakey though - there's this thing called credibility.

    2. If the court appointed him, we wouldn't they listen to him? It's the truth the court are interested in, not the personalities.

    3. Are you kiddin'? He appointed himself and he's only got this far because of his cloth ears.

    4. Absolutely not. JG has actually done the Trust a favour here by appointing a layman. To continue with an experienced lawyer would have put all the loan note holders money at risk. We should be thanking JG for doing this.

    5. HA HA HA pull the other one - everybody knows harrys backer dropped him in it

      oh - and a wee burd told me that there's still stuff to come out about Harry!

    6. Ah heard that him and that Linwood creep are bangin each other
